Ice Cream

Sherbets, ice creams, parfaits, ice-cold entremets are part of my courses.

The different biscuits matching with ice creams will no longer keep any secret from you.

Meringues, biscuits, fruit sauces and desserts will fusion tastes and colours with ice-cream.

You will enhance the flavours with modern and personalized decorations, combining substances, colours and flavours.

Trainer International Gourmet & independent Consultant

Philippe PARC : formateur international gastronomique et consultant indépendant
Code APE 7022 Z • SIRET 401 663 173 00018 • RCS Avignon 501 663 173
N° gestion 2007 B 1545 • N° Formateur 93 84 02 956 84 • FR 15.441.246.615

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